Boat sculptures
I create boats by removing a wedge section from a textured bowl to create a sweeping curvilinear formed hull. I have always loved this “Tumble Home” yacht hull profile with its curvaceous and billowy form. I think, that within all of us, there is a sense of wonderment when seeing a boat sail purposefully out to sea.
The image raising several questions: Who is on board? Where are they going? What is their cargo? Where have they been?
The transference of this intrigue has led me to use my boats as an extended metaphor to make statements and observations on many topics: Global Financial crisis, Vanity, fossil fuel reliance, Global warming, international politics, observations of human nature or just to stimulate the human predilection with sailing away to another life place or reality!
"All in the Same Boat". Western Red Cedar. Ebony, Blackbutt, Oregon, Jarrah, Sheoak, Apricot, olive, Box Elder and Huon Pine. 400 x 300 x 250 mm
"Amphibious Arc". Jarrah, Huon Pine, Box Elder. All wood and all 11 pieces turned. 400 x 500 x 300 mm
Detail of Ark. Carved and textured with dental burrs.
Silver legs are box Elder tuned from either end , carved and painted.
"Big Oil" Sheoak, Huon Pine Curly Blackbutt, Kangaroo bones and "found" Plastic waste.
Oil barrels turned and engraved with a laser cutter. Sail turned to 1-2 mm thick from a block. Plinth 600 x 400 x 350 mm
"Australian Made" Comment on the refugee crisis Marri, Camphor Laurel and red ribbon. 180 x 180 x 240 mm
"Refugee Crisis" without embellishments.
"Stormy Seas" Detail
"Stormy Seas" Jarrah, Huon Pine and bleached paperbark burl. 400 x 400 x 300 mm
"Dry Dock" Detail
"Dry Dock" It has always intrigued me when seeing boatyards with multi million dollars worth of boat hulls perched precariously in dry dock. Sheoak, Jarrah, Huon Pine and Paint.
"Infidelity" The temptation to stray, with new love the motivation. But you must engage with the snake to navigate this vessel. Sheoak, Huon Pine , driftwood and Paint. 300 x 240 x 150 mm
"Infidelty" Assembled.
"The Owl and the Pussycat" This piece is mounted on top of the story pole of the same name. Made for the Margaret River readers and Writers festival, "Story Pole" exhibition Marri, Huon Pine, and Marine Debris. 300 x 300 x 300 mm
"Global Warning" Sheoak and various timbers. 300 x 300 x 180 mm
"In the same Boat" A social comment on climate change and the global implications .Alternative view.
"Slipway" Just more of my fascination with boats and boatyards. Sheoak, Huon Pine driftwood and recycled steel. 600 x 350 x 220 mm
"Spanish Dancer" A study in combining maritime forms with marine creatures. Sheoak. 400 x 300 x 200
"Spanish Dancer" Wings based on the graceful "Spanish Dancer" sea cucumber.
"Temptation" a commission from the original "infidelity" Marri, Huon Pine, Olive off cut and sea rocks. 300 x 200 x 180 mm
Rear view of "Temptation" Huon Pine transom, rudder and tiller.
"The Owl and the Pussycat" Front view showing re purposed aluminium can and beach plastic.
"Unwelcome Reflections" A comment on the damaging effect of print media on women's self image. Marri, Box elder and hundreds of pages from women's magazines rolled glued and cut.
"Unwelcome Reflections"
"Waiting for the Tide" One of the many incarnations of this theme. Marri, Huon Pine, Sea Rocks.
"Weathering the Storm" My entry in the 2017 Bunbury Regional Art Gallery's prestigious "South West Survey" This piece won the Acquisitive Prize.
The Original "Unwelcome Reflections" inspired by my late wife who came away from the mirror so many times muttering, "too fat, wrinkled, old, grey"
"Unwelcome Reflections"
"In the Same Boat" detail shot.
"Life as I Have known it" A comment on a particularly turbulent time in my life, culminating in the loss of a loved one.
"Life as I have Known it" Flailing Oars, pitched out of control by a storm and ineffective anchor all illustrate the turbulent times we can all experience.
"Global Warning" Shown here with the wave about to engulf the boat and it's occupants illustrating our shared dire situation.
"Redundant Technology" A comment on the rapid development of technology superseding traditional technologies we have known. 400 x 400 x 300 mm
"Gone To Lunch" Marri, Huon Pine Drftwood. 300 x 300 x 120 mm
"Porcine Pirates" With Donald and Boris at the helm what could go wrong? Marri, Oregon, Western Red Cedar, Huon Pine, Bicycle spokes (Window bars) , Plastic Pigs and marine Debris. 600 x 400 x 350 mm
Boris checking on the prisoners
"Porcine Pirates" With the telescope backwards and the tiller blocked by the Ark/prison building we really are trouble.